7 tips for successful weight loss
  1. The desire to lose weight must come from the individual. If you're truly ambivalent about making changes in your lifestyle or are doing this to please someone else, you're likely to fail. When making changes, decide what's right for your lifestyle. Your best friend's diet and exercise plan may be completely wrong for your habits and interests. The key is to find a system that works for you.
  1. Don't blame yourself if you aren't perfect. If you once fail at your attempt to curtail your overeating, it doesn't mean you are a failure at weight control and that you should just give up. Accept that you made a poor choice, but don't let that poor choice influence the rest of your plan. The same holds true with exercise. Skipping a few workouts doesn't mean you can't get back on track. Weight control does not involve making perfect choices all the time, rather it's about attempting to make good choices more often than poor ones.
  1. Avoid surroundings where you know you're tempted to make poor food choices. Everyone has a time when we're most likely to overeat, whether it's the morning coffee break or after-work gathering with friends. Try to plan other activities or distractions for those times, or plan in advance how you're going to handle them and stick to it.
  1. Surround yourself with people who support your efforts. Even our good friends can knowingly or unknowingly sabotage weight-loss attempts. Spend time with those people who will not pressure you to make poor food choices.
  1. Decide on some nonfood rewards for yourself when you reach interim goals. For examples, at the end of the first week of healthy eating or after the first 5 pounds lost, buy yourself a new DVD or book.
  1. Stock your pantry and refrigerator with healthy foods. Get rid of the high-calorie, low-nutrition snacks like chips and candy. But don't forget to have plenty of healthier options available as well, such as popcorn (hold the butter, try Parmesan cheese sprinkles), low-fat cheese and yogurt, fruit, instant cocoa without added sugar, sugar-free popsicles or puddings, or whatever appeals to you when you're hungry for a snack.
  1. Set small goals and focus on these rather than the "big picture." Decide where you want to be in a week or in a month, rather than focusing on the total amount of weight you'd like to lose.
Reference Source : http://www.medicinenet.com/weight_loss/page7.htm

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An essential nutrient is a nutrient required for normal body functioning that can not be synthesized by the body.

Categories of essential nutrient include vitamins, dietary minerals, essential fatty acids and essential amino acids.
Many essential vitamins, such as Vitamin C, are also by definition phytonutrients, as they occur in plants.
Different species have very different essential nutrients.
Most essential nutrients are substances that are metabolically necessary but cannot be synthesized by the organism.
Some essential nutrients may be toxic in large doses.
For more information about the topic Essential nutrient, read the full article at Wikipedia.org, or see the following related articles:

Micronutrient — Micronutrients are essential elements needed by life in small quantities. They include microminerals and Vitamins. Microminerals or trace elements ...  > read more

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Dietary mineral — Dietary minerals are the chemical elements required by living organisms. Appropriate intake levels of each dietary mineral must be sustained to ...  > read more
Vitamin — A vitamin is an organic molecule required by a living organism in minute amounts for proper health. In general, an organism must obtain vitamins or ...  > read more

There are various people that prefer to take pre workout supplements before beginning their workout schedules as this simply helps them to get more energy for body building and increasing the duration of their workouts. However, not all pre workout supplements are effective and hence before choosing a one, it is imperative to check its ingredients and also its effectiveness. Muscle Pharm Assault is a new pre workout supplement in the market that promotes level of performance, which further helps you in increasing your stamina during workout schedules. Some of the impeccable features of Muscle Pharm Assault are:

•    The patented version of Creatine in this pre workout supplement is clinically proven to be superior to other forms.
•    Unlike various concentrated formulas that hit you hard and leave you hanging like you just got mugged in a dark alley, this supplement is there from start to finish and the addition of amino acids in it promotes stronger recovery and further increases lean muscle mass.
•    Make your tummy full and hence is also taken by people that are on a losing weight schedule. 

Since this supplement is taken with milk to reduce weight, hence it makes you feel full and allow you to skip meals easily.
If you are searching for Muscle Pharm Assault then internet is considered to be one of the best options. There are various stores online that sell this pre workout supplement in different flavors at a reduced cost. Moreover, you can also simply shop at the comfort of your house without having to waste much of your time on visiting different physical stored for your purchase, since the product also gets delivered at your doorstep. However, since all online stores do not promise the same level of efficacy, hence it is is necessary to ascertain the proficiency of the chosen provider.
Dieting can be a challenging task for most of the people and choosing to diet requires a proper discipline, effort and adequate knowledge on what products should be chosen that helps you to reduce weight without hampering your health. Fortunately for dieters, there are various methods through which they can jump-start weight loss or stay motivated to keep losing weight. If you search the market, you would be able to learn that diet products are flooding the market, but many a times it becomes quite difficult to differentiate on the benefits that different products offer. Therefore, diet products are usually categorized into different types that can help you in better selection.

Metabolism boosters

These are considered to be the most common diet products and work on the theory that a person’s metabolism can be simply boosted by stimulating the central nervous system and some other inner mechanisms of the body. While opting for a metabolism booster, it is essential to ensure that you proceed with caution and speak to a doctor for any kind of the implications that these products cause in your body.

Thyroid supplements

These supplements basically activate the production of hormones that are responsible for your metabolism. These are considered to be effective for almost all the individuals and are most commonly recommended for those individuals with hypothyroidism. However, it is recommended that these supplements should not be taken without a doctor’s supervision and guidance.

Thermogenic calorie burners
These are in the form of weight loss pills and cause the temperature of the body to rise, which can further help in burning calories more quickly especially during your workout sessions. These work on the same line as that of metabolism boosters, but with the only difference that they are not very intense. However, this method is considered to be much safer, but less effective. However, as soon as you cease taking these pills, your weight would rapidly return back if you do not make any kind of changes in your diet as well as your exercise routine.

Muscle Pharm Assault is considered to be a perfect pre workout product. Caffeine is the only stimulant that is found in this product and is also considered to be one of the most expensive pre workout products from past many years. However, internet is one of the best sources to search for Muscle Pharm Assault without burning a hole in your pocket. However, before choosing an online store for such purchase, it is imperative to ascertain the proficiency of the provider.
If you've got every abs contraption under the sun and completing a 1000 sit ups a day then stop! Getting a six pack doesn't have to be difficult. Performing crunches won't get you a complete six pack as this movement targets the upper abs. You need to be targetting the lower abs to get a complete washboard. The abdominal area also has the ability to accumulate large volumes of fat. You'll be wrong in thinking Abdominal exercise will strip this fat away. Your diet and cardio are the only way you're going to get rid of your blubber. Tweakig your diet to speed up your metabolism and performing cardio will melt away the fat. Keep your cardio workouts fun, join a club, go dancing, do zumba, go swimming, take your kids to play football. Cardio doesn't mean treadmill. Eat little and often to keep you metabolism firing all day. So if you're already doing the fat burning task and you want to get a complete six pack, heres 3 lower ab exercises.

Leg Raises - Lay down keeping your hands by your sides and raise your legs straight up. Do this movement slowly, there is no benefit doing this exercise fast as you'll be using momentum to do the exercise. Once your legs are vertical hold the contraction in your abs and slowly lower your legs back down but make sure not to let your feet touch the gorund. Performing this exercise slowly and keeping the contraction throught will mean your rep range will be low and you're fully working your lower abs. Don't be surprised if you can't do ten and your body shakes : ).

Knee raises - Lying down with your knees bent, keeping your arms to the side, raise your knees and perform a crunch with your upper body keeping your arms at the side throughout. Make sure you get full contraction when you get to the end of your crunch. Perform this slowly, you can rest on the way down. Variation to this is add twists with your upper body with your finger tips lightly touching your head or with your legs at a 45 degree angle.

Reverse crunches - This uses the motion of both of the above exercises but gives you a real crunch. Laying down with your knees bent and your fingertips lightly touching the side of your head bring your knees to your chest and raise your upper body. You can perform this exercise slightly quicker do not let your feet touch the ground through the rest of your rep range.

Thes 3 exercises target those illusive lower abs. Don't be surprised if you struggle to do these at first. keep your sets to about 4 per exercises and your rep range will be determined by how developed your lower abs are. As you start to be able to do more reps and resistance with bungees and ankle weights. The key is to do these moves with correct form and contracting the abs throughout. Remember to also keep a healthy diet and supplement for muscle repair.

Bodybuilding today is becoming more and more noticed especially within sports,tv,films and around the world globally.

Everyone wants to look their best whether they want to stay in shape ,maintain what they have or get in shape for a bodybuilding competition.The start of becoming a bodybuilder is the diet of what you eat and how often you train the beginner bodybuilder should split their training over the week example monday,tuesday,wednesday off,Thursday and friday splitting the muscle groups into the workouts.Each training session should be no longer than 1 hour of working out.The diet that goes along with workouts is eat at least 5-6 meals a day consisting of protien,carbohydrates and fats.

Muscles of the body :-

The protien you need is 1.5 grams of protien per pound of lean muscle tissue carbohydrates is 2.0 grams -2.5 grams per pound of lean muscle .Metabolism plays a big role in bodybuilding if you have a fast metabolism then you need to eat more regular on the other hand if you have a slow metabolsm you need to be more aware of what amount of food you eat eating more lean foods ie: more protiens less fats or carbohydrates.


Starting your first workout will be an acomplishment you will need to learn the right exercises to do it would be a good idea to have a training partner along the way to help you someone with some experience or knowledge of bodybuilding that can guide you. When you have been bodybuilding for example 6 months you will start to gain the physique you want bodybuilding is along road it takes time and discipline read all you can from books the internet experienced people in the game and most of all through your own experience .